12 Kata Kata Sakit Hati Karena Mantan Pacar Dalam Bahasa Ingris

12 Kata Kata Sakit Hati Karena Mantan Pacar Dalam Bahasa English Atau Ingris

  • 12 Words of Heartache for Ex-Girlfriends in English
    Kata Kata kecewa adalah suatu hal yang wajar, bahkan kekecewaan yang biasanya datang dalam kehidupan ini bisa dibilang akan Datang silih berganti. Kekecewaan ini biasanya terjadi pada siapapun orang yang tengah menaruh harapan pada sesuatu dan hasilnya tidak sesuai dengan harapan.
    Kekecewaan itu bukan hanya menghinggapi orang orang dewasa saja, melainkan anak – anak, remaja dan orang tua semua orang pasti pernah merasakan yang namanya kekecewaan ini. Dan Berikut 12 Kata kata Sakit Hati karena Pacar Dalam Bahasa English atau Ingris

  • "If I am not part of your passion, then at least I am one of the people who always mention you in my prayers"

  • "Letting you go is not the best choice, but asking you to come back is not the right thing. Surrender everything to God because only His destiny is the best "

  • "Like a pedestal made of glass and then walking on the nails, poignant step by step, trapped painfully when you call him in front of me every time together"

  • "This park, all these flowers here are witnesses that you and I were that close, but now I realize that you are no longer for me."

  • "You are able to run with a smile, while I was stunned unable to hug you, because for you my situation is nothing that never existed"

  • "I'd rather see you being cold than having to see you hurt and sad when we meet"

  • "Getting to know each other is as easy as breathing, but forgetting you is as hard as I took the moon."

  • "Just let millions of words cross my mind that still don't dare to show it in front of you. But without realizing it turned out that my mind had far mastered to expect to be side by side with you. "

  • "How loud the wind whistled at my body, too sadistic the water came out of the silence and too painful to remember the memories that began to make me stunned accustomed without you"

  • "At first you reached out to just dance with me, but immediately you got bored I was dumped, while you were with him and laughed in front of me"

  • "I am the one who always keeps the beauty of our story, even though a rainbow will not always be there Like the night, he also grieved when he knew I was not for you "

  • "I'm trapped in a time where I'm waiting, embracing uncertainty and freezing in ignorance"

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